Sunday, September 16, 2007

I Was Tagged....

A few weeks back, actually... I am a BAAAAAAD blogger! Valarie did it to me.... I forgive her since I love her drawings!
So Seven Random Things....
1. I love fluffernutter sandwiches (you know... peanut butter and fluff). Yep, just a big kid here!

2. I absolutely despise beets! Had to eat them as a kid and was so happy to find out my hubby hates them too!

3. I have the knees of an 80 yr old.... Here's what I wear most days....

The hamster's name is Sandy....

4. I have large feet - size 11!... As my Mom says - 'We won't blow over in a stiff wind...' Of course that was before the movie The Mighty Wind came out....

5. I was a jock in high school. (MANY moons ago...)

6. Reading is a favorite hobby of mine. I read at least a half hour each day - usually before I fall asleep.

7. I am allergic to scallops.

Phew! Done! Now, I have to decide who to Tag... hmmmmm... I'll let you know when I do it...
Yep, I'm a brat too, but I think you already knew that.... LOL

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