Now, this may surprise some of you - but I'm not a world wide traveller... No exotic lands to explore, no jet setting to Paris for dinner.... So, when I went to my local Wally World to get some hamster bedding (see how exotic I am!) my head was turned by the clearance racks outside the entrance. Being a thrifty gal - I got giddy... Sad, yes, I know....
But, imagine my surprise to find bras going for $2!! And they had them in my size!!! Woo Hoo!!! I snapped up a bunch and went on my way. Alas, I got home, tried them on, and found I was no longer that size... (The only part of me shrinking I guess.... LOL) So, I returned them, but there were no more $2 bras...sigh...
As you can see from my last post, I've been REALLY bad about posting here. I've become a bit of a hermit it seems. For about 18 months, I've been battling knee pain. It has gotten to the point now that I am going to get a partial knee replacement. At 41, I am quite young for this, but with kids 6, 6, and 7 - I need to be able to get around - fast too!
Also, our digital camera broke. If you don't have an extended warranty on yours, get one! It did take 4 weeks to get it repaired, but it only cost us shipping to the service center. I was SO happy when the UPS truck pulled up yesterday!
Now that I know the date of my surgery, I've got a lot to do before then, so I hope to post more often and now I can even post pix I've done since the camera broke!
Off to play with some beads and clay!