Friday, November 30, 2007
Today is the Last Day
Anyway, I hopefully will be more consistent with my blogging now that it's sort of a a habit now....
Thanks to all that have followed and commented on my ramblings....
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Too Pooped!
I promise to be better tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Mad Dash....
Now that I have a camera, I'll take pix and post tomorrow.
Good night!
OH MAN!!!!
I will blog this evening too, and hopefully this will make up for my indiscretion.
Monday, November 26, 2007
November 2007 Etsy BeadWeavers Challenge - Caught in a Net
Also, visit Carol Dean's blog after you vote and leave a comment. You will be entered in a chance to get this:

Sunday, November 25, 2007
What a Nice Surprise

11-24-07 Gift Guide for Grumps Treasury
Originally uploaded by Sand Fibers
I can't view the Treasuries that Etsy has, so I am always bummed when people talk about them... However, a wonderful gal, always takes screen shots. Image my surprise when I peeked on her flickr site and saw this!
Gus is my guy... Upper left hand corner...
Thanks so much!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Ah, the Holiday Coma....
(anyone remember that line?)
Friday, November 23, 2007
A Little Creative MoJo...
The other bonus for today was I was able to drive to my physical therapy appt. today... YIPPEE!!!!
Have your fill of leftovers, and pop a few buttons... Better yet, wear elastic!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
May you have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Think Pictures this year...
Now, I do plan on buying a couple of coolio items from Moo. Their sticker prices can't be beat and will be great to put on my boxes. Also, they have these sweet little mini cards that are great!
Take a peek and see what great gifts you can give this year!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
So, He's just an Idiot!
What A DOPE!!!!
OK, I promise tomorrow I won't rant about the Bachelor...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Who Will He Pick?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Holy Cow!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
I Just Love Etsy!!!
How cool is that?!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
When I took this challenge, I figured 30 entries would be a piece of cake...It's NOT!!!
I have a major appreciation for all that do this all the time. It is really hard to put a piece of yourself out there every day...
As for my fiction writing, I'm stalled... That's probably why I never get published... LOL
Have a great night everyone!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
13 Days Left.... Give One Get One....

I first heard about these laptops on 60 Minutes... (Or a similar program....) I loved the idea of letting children in third world countries have access to the Internet, to empower these kids with information and knowledge. It disheartened me to learn this program has had many hurdles to overcome. This year, for a limited time, they are offering a great program. Buy one laptop at a VERY low price of $399, and you will get one sent not only to your house, but some kid in a developing country will get one too!
This isn't a cheesy laptop either... It has some very cool features, including being built to withstand brutal climates. The screen swivels all the way around and it has game controllers embedded into the design.
Please, take a look and think hard about either taking advantage of the program or at least donating to this worthy cause.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
My New Knee!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Next up on Etsy....
Sunday, November 11, 2007
So, instead of bringing you down, I am going to give you a prosperity blassing, my friend Mary sent me.....
May you be blessed with an amazingly abundant day today!
May the clouds break and the heavens pour down upon you more joy, more love, more laughter and more money than you could have ever dreamed of.
May the sun shine its golden light of prosperity through every cell of your extraordinary body.
May you be cleansed today of any resistance or feelings of unworthiness that you may still be holding onto.
May your false illusions of doubt, fear and scarcity gently fall away like soft white feathers on a gentle breeze.
May you be willing, simply willing, to allow the Universe to shower you with miracles today.
May the Angels wrap you in their shining wings of opulence.
May the fairies deliver you to their pot of gold at the end of a majestic rainbow.
May your eyes shine with the glorious truth of who you really are and may that truth uplift others in your presence to their own inner knowing.
May your ears hear the sound of perfection ringing in your soul.
May you taste the deliciousness of every precious bite of life as your day unfolds moment by moment with amazing grace, heartfelt love and a bounty of magnificent money.
As this day ends, may you slumber wrapped in an exquisite blanket of enduring peace and profound gratitude.
And may the last words you speak today be Thank You!
So, before I go to bed.... Thank you!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Feelin' The Polymer Clay Love...
Actually, the PCAGOE love..... I've been highlighted this week there, so I thought I'd take a moment and show you some of the awesome work these artists do......
You can click on the image and go right to the listing, or on their name to go right to the shop.
First up, and in no particular order is Made in Lowell....

Now for the Dog lovers - here's NanjoDogz

Isn't this just yummy?
Made by Naftali.

This pendant and many other stunning pieces are made by Marcia Palmer.
OK - One more... Last, but not least is my favorite piece since it always makes me smile.....

Itty Bitties For You makes the greatest Super Dogs!
Now, if you promise to be good, I'll send some more off into cyberspace another day.....
Friday, November 09, 2007
Getting Cold Here...
Thursday, November 08, 2007
A Bit of a Rant...
We will fight over fossil fuels, but not for the health of future generations...
It makes me very sad......
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I'll Be Featured...
Check out the website and take a gander at all the amazing artists there... Definitely worthwhile!
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Why I Love to Barter...

Now, here's the best part... she wanted to barter!!!
WOO HOO!!! I love to barter.... It always makes me happy to create something for someone I know they will love and I always cherish what I get in return...
I am in the process of making her some Christmas-y earrings, but am stuck on do I make a tree, a present, a candy cane, a snowman, a snowflake or a wreath... Then, I have to decide if I want to make it 2D or 3D... I am thinking of a wreath only because I have a great pattern for it... However, it is up to Carole...
Speaking of Carole, she has an eBay site for your shopping pleasure...
Thanks so much Carole! She is SOOOOO going to love it!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
One Dedicated Blogger Here....
So, I know I won't be able to work on my fiction, although I will try... So, here's a picture to keep you happy... LOL

What the heck is it? It's an alien pretzel we found one day and just had to take a picture...
So, tomorrow, if you are having a bad Monday, take a peek at this guy and be happy you didn't have his life!
Can You Believe It?
I hope you forgive this indiscretion.... I will post more later.....
Friday, November 02, 2007
Day Two...
This year, I made the Pledge - a decision to buy handmade.... With all the recalls and such, doesn't it make sense to either make something yourself or buy from someone who puts a bit of their heart and soul into something for you to enjoy?
It is not news that I am a HUGE proponent for Etsy and think the time has come to go back to handmade and skip out on most of the commercial junk that is out and about. I have kids, so I know that I won't be able to get away with this completely, but I am hoping by having them make their presents they will understand the need for handmade.....
Okay, off my soap box and back into my Fiction....
There are women that have it all together, look great right after having a baby, keep an immaculate house, have well-behaved kids, and volunteer for everything. That's Casey. The worst thing about her is that she's also a truly nice person. So, you can't even hate her!
This is why my life is a shambles. I want to be like her. I know I have no hope in hell to be even close, but I can dream. It's why I always say yes to all her requests. At least I'm not alone in this. Half the town scrambles around trying to be like her and failing miserably.
After Jim left the kitchen, I snapped up the cordless phone and did what any woman would do in my position. Call and complain to my best friend, Liz.
Liz and I met at the Library eight years previous, toting our infants to a Mommy and Me class, desperate to get out of the house and let someone else think of activities for a half hour. I saw her, her frizzy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and shuffling in with her chubby baby boy in an infant carrier and a diaper bag bursting at the seams. She plopped down next to me and my precious little girl, clad all in pink. I felt superior for a moment until my daughter spewed milk all over her nice outfit and, of course, me.
"Oh Crap!" I muttered. My illusions shattered.
Liz laughed and pulled out a cloth diaper and started blotting the spit up from my pants. From that moment on, we've been inseparable. If the phone rings in my house 99% of the time it's Liz. The same goes in her house. We go everywhere together and our kids love each other. Our husbands hide in the basement on Sundays and drink beer and watch ESPN. I think they really just want to get away from us hens.
On the second ring, Liz answered. "What did Casey get you to do now?"
"I hate it when you do that." Really, how did she know?
"You don't call until after the Morning News unless Casey called and enlisted your help again."
"Okay, smart butt, what do I have to do?"
"Let's see... It's mid-October and she needs help. Must be the wrapping paper fund raiser."
"How did you know?"
Liz laughed and kept me hanging.
"Spill, woman... and stop laughing!" I commanded.
"I saw a note about the orders were coming in next week in Jake's school folder yesterday."
Jake was Liz's eight year old boy, and he was betrothed to my Olivia, who was also eight.
When I didn't answer right away, Liz continued. "I take it you didn't see the paper."
"I have yet to wade through all that stuff. With three kids, I swear I must get 50 pages of junk to look through." Liz only had the two boys, Jake and Jason and the youngest was just three.
Me, I was a regular baby factory. Three kids in three years and I was truly hoping I wouldn't ever get pregnant again. My body was already unrecognizable.
"So, you want me to help out?"
"Of course." I knew I never had to ask, she'd do it, just as I'd do it for her, but it made me feel better.
We spent the next half hour complaining how things never get done, both avoiding the obvious that if we got off the phone we'd get more done.
By eleven in the morning, I had cleaned up the dishes, put away the laundry, swept up the floor, and consumed three cups of tea. I was ready for the rest of the day - or so I thought.
In the bedroom, I sat down on the bed and it felt nice and comfy. I laid down and the next thing I knew it was one o'clock.
"Oh, crap," I yelled and ran into the bathroom to shower. In a half hour I was supposed to be at Casey's house to pick up the order forms to go over. Within fifteen minutes, I'd showered and dried my hair. I slapped on a layer of mascara and fluffed my hair. It was passable, but not even in the same solar system as Casey was. Looking at my clothes, I grabbed a t-shirt and jeans. I sucked in deep and buttoned the top button, and adjusted my shirt so that bulge wouldn't show.
One day I hoped to be half as together as Casey I mused as I raced down the suburban streets to her development. I slowed down since I always got lost in there. All the street names were dumb like Honeybee Court and Thistle Way. The houses all looked the same and I had to watch the house numbers on the mailboxes to make sure I found number 1403.
Casey's Lexus eggshell SUV gleamed in the pristine driveway. It was the perfect accessory to the brick faced colonial with hunter green shutters and a beige front door. The brick walk was abloom with fall mums and other shrubs and plants. There wasn't a weed in sight.
Once again, I compared my weed infested front yard to hers. I hated feeling like a did. My jeans were too tight and I looked like a harried mom. My life sucked.
I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.
"Come in," I heard Casey yell.
Through the clean beige door I went, taking in the gleam of the hardwood and the formal living room to the right. Not a knick knack out of place, no dust bunnies in the corner, no toys lingering on the stairs.
"In here," Casey's voice called from the kitchen.
From down the hall I saw the counter, all shiny and uncluttered. As I got closer, I sensed something not right. A cabinet door stood ajar. Silly thing really, but I had to make myself feel better somehow.
I came into the kitchen and saw a different scene than I could have imagined. Casey sat at the table, immaculately groomed and sipping a cup of coffee. It all looked normal if you discounted her husband on the floor in a pool of blood with a kitchen knife sticking out of his stomach.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
A Month of Blogs...
It's brought to you by the same people that do the Writing a Novel in a Month....
I would put some pretty pix up, but hubby broke the camera so I will be photoless for a while... EEK!!!
So, I decided I'd do both challenges at the same time... I'll write a bit of a story each day to keep you entertained.... I'd do a dance, but it wouldn't be pretty.....
So Here's the Story..... THIS IS TOTAL FICTION!!!
How could I have been so stupid? Let the machine get it. That's what my inner voice said, but do I ever listen? NO! So, once again I over obligated myself and Jim, my husband, would give me hell for doing this again. When would I ever learn?
While Nina was at ballet and Joey at soccer, I'd whip out my handy dandy cell phone and call a bunch of other mothers in hopes that they'd help me out. Nobody has the time. I knew this, but I'd make the calls, badger and cajole them into submission. I was good at it. In my former life, I was a Project Manager, handling multi-million dollar projects and dealt with all kinds of people. I knew how to handle them. What I couldn't do was keep the house tidy, find enough clean socks, or make a nutritious meal every night. I was not June Cleaver. When I was single, and even newly married, I didn't even like kids. Now, I sat in my kitchen, up to my elbows in dirty dishes and crumbs, mentally whacking myself in the the head for saying 'yes' yet again. I know I'm not Super Mom or even Competent Mom. I wanted to do it all, but I just couldn't.
Jim, stumbled into the kitchen, grunted a Good Morning and grabbed a cup of coffee. After 10 years of marriage, I still lusted after my husband. What was there not to love? Sandy brown hair, deep green eyes and a lean body with just enough muscle to make any girl swoon. His only downfall? The ability to be rational at all times. It got downright annoying.
"Don't say it," I said, heading him off at the pass.
"Yes, I did it again. It's why I'm sitting here looking like hell, while you look all sleepy and sexy. It's why the dishes aren't done, the house is a mess, and our kids went to school in two day old underwear."
He smiled that lopsided smirk, that showed a hint of a dimple. Crossed the kitchen to the table and kissed me on top of the head. He squeezed my shoulder and sat down next to me.
"Why do you do it?" He asked, but he knew the answer.
"The same reason I always do it."
"Yep. Casey. Damn her!"
OK, that's it for tonight. I have sick kiddies to attend to... I hope you enjoy this diversion!